
Appliance Parts Blog

3387747 Whirlpool Dryer Heating Element


$49.88   In-Stock


SKU: ERP3387747

Replacement Whirlpool dryer replacement heating element for Whirlpool made dryers with the blower in the front. 240 volts 5400 watts. The terminals on this element ar 5/16" and it is approximately 11" long.

If this element is bad the dryer will still run but it won't produce any heat. You can check to see if it's bad with an ohm meter testing for continuity or you can remove it and look for a break in the wire. When this heating element fails, you should be able to find a spot where the wire physically burned in two.

The high limit thermostat and thermal fuse kit that goes with this element is going to either be part # 279769 or 279973. You can tell which one it is either by looking it up with your dryer's model number or by looking at the shape of the thermal fuse. The 279973 has legs that lift it up when mounted while the 279769 has a thermal fuse that mounts flush.

Alternate: WP3387747, ER3387747, DE7747

Dryer element # WP3387747 replaces 3387747, 80003, W11045584, W11344457, and WP3387747VP

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